Bookmarking on your PC :
In Firefox :
Once the web page is opened, you can click on "Bookmarks" on the menu at the top and then click on "Bookmark this page". You will see below all the web pages that you have bookmarked, so whenever you want to visit one of these web pages/websites again, you just have to click on Bookmarks and then click on the web page that you want to visit again.
In Internet Explorer :
Once the web page is opened, you can click on "Favourites" on the menu at the top and then click on "Add to favourites". You will see below the web pages that you have marked as favourite, so whenever you want to visit one of these web pages/websites again, you just have to click on Favourites and then click on the web page that you want to visit again.
Bookmarking on the Internet :
If you have bookmarked some websites on your PC at home and when you are working at your PC in office you might have wished you had access to your bookmarks on your home PC.
Now you have several bookmarking sites on the Net which allow you to do just that and then you have access to your "bookmarks" on any computer you might use in the whole wide world.
The following are just a few of the most popular bookmarking sites :